In today’s day and age, there seems to be no end to the go-go-go world! So much so that we can forget to make time for the important things. Whether it is your 9-5 job, picking the kids up from school and everything in between we all live very busy lives! And now with the global pandemic, it can make things feel even more stressful than before. SO much so that we can forget things and don’t make time for things that we should. Perhaps you have noticed this in your everyday life with your spouse? Before it was easy to break away and do things, but life gets in the way somehow. Does this sound familiar? Does it make you feel like you have lost a bit of a spark with your partner? Don’t fret! There is a way to address this, and it can honestly be very simple and can be done this weekend! Here are 5 small things you and your spouse can do to spend some quality time together.
1. Shopping
No, not going to the mall or hitting those Black Friday sales. But going to the market to buy groceries or other things you need. Typically getting the groceries can fall on either partner and is often circumstantial, but every once and a while, it can be fun to have a shopping partner along! Sure, it seems like a mundane thing, but it allows for conversation and meal ideas. It also will let you get to know your partner’s tastes and possibly learn something new about them. In the long run, for a relationship to last, we want to constantly learn about our partner and what makes them tick.
2. Prepare a Meal
What better way to use what you have shopped for than to make a meal together? Preparing a meal together is actually one of the most interesting things for a couple to do together. It can gauge their ability to cooperate and work together systematically. It’s more than just a ¼ cup of this and a dash of that, it really shows each partner what their strengths and weaknesses are in the kitchen. You may be surprised at how skilled your partner is or has become over the years. Not to mention trying something new can be a fun experience!
3. Taking a Walk Together
Does Fido go for a walk every evening? Well, there is a perfect opportunity to make it a mini date. Not all dates have to be fancy and taking a walk with your spouse in the fresh air and talking can be very rewarding. Get your steps in and talk about what is on your mind. Warning, your walk may last longer than you thought!
4. Couple’s Movie Night
Movie night has likely changed for many people as COVID has shut most theaters down or have limited seating in some areas. But that doesn’t mean you still can’t have a theater experience at home! Have each partner pick 2 snacks and each spouse surprise the other with their selection. Make up some popcorn, pick out your movie and enjoy the film.
There are so many ways that every day things can be made special. It is hard to plan ahead, and life can get so hectic, but if we take the time to think of small ways to get a little bit of personal one-on-one time with our partners, it can make that spark last for years to come!